Beth-Anne Duxbury
Professional Experience
2019 & 2012 - Boston University Alumni Celebration: Choreographer for the Boston University Skating Team group number starring Keith Lockhart & The Boston Pops skating LIVE! The Campaign for Boston University and The 100 Year Boston University Alumni Celebration, Agganis Arena BU Campus
2016, 2017, 2018: MC for the Providence Holiday Show at the Alex and Ani City Center in Providence Rhode Island. Stars include Kimmie Meissner, Mirai Nagasu, previous show starred Michelle Kwan, Marissa Castelli.
2010- Ice Crystals “A Benefit For Sherrys House”: Colonial Figure Skating hosts a benefit for the Why Me/Sherrys House organization in Worcester, MA. Starring Ashley Wagner, Tiffany Scott & Philip Dulebohn, Brittney Rizzo, Bennet Gottlieb, Kylie Duarte & Colin Grafton. Producer/Director/Choreographer. Raising over $22K
2009- Ice Crystals “A Benefit For Sherrys House”: Colonial Figure Skating Club hosts a benefit for the Why Me/Sherrys House organization in Worcester, MA. To help house and raise monies for families whose children are receiving cancer treatment in the Boston area. Producer & Director. Starring Caroline Zhang, Marissa Castelli & Simon Schnapir, Britteny Rizzo, Yasmin Siraj. Producer/Director/Choreographer. Raising over $20K
2008 -“Ice Chips” : Skating Club of Boston, Benefit show to raise money for Childrens Hospital Boston, Project Bread For The Homeless, Girl Scouts of America. Assistant Director/Choreographer to Sheryl Franks-Pelligrini. Starring Kurt Browning, Emily Hughes, Stephen Carriere.
2007 “An Evening For Iveta”: Benefit show to raise money for a professional dance coach dying of Leukemia. Starring, Johnny Weir, Tanith Belbin & Ben Agosto, Melissa Gregory & Denis Petukhov and Brooke Castile & Ben Okolski. Assistant Director and Choreographer to Julie Graham-Evszan.
2005/2006/2007 International Ice Theater Champions, “Act 1 of Boston”: Choreographer with Justin Pekarek and Ice Theater creator, Tom Leicinski
2001-2007 Proskaters (Professional Figure Skating Cooperative) Board Member: This organization was founded for Professionals leaving the amateur skating world to become established “Show” performers as well as Professional skaters. (Founder Scott Williams)
2002-2013 Producer of the “Sunny Skates Exhibition”: Benefit show created for the Council of Aging Center across Eastern Massachusetts, sponsored by Nashoba Valley Olympia, Acton MA. Produced and Directed by Beth-Anne Duxbury.
2005 “Lighting The Way To Hope- A Skaters Tribute”: Benefit show for the American Red Cross Hurricane Katrina Evacuees, Staring Julianna Cannarozzo, Stephen Carriere, and Scott Smith. Producer/Director. Raised over $8500K
2001- 2003, 2004, 2005 Lymphoma/Leukemia Benefit “Lace Up Show” Hosting The Bruins Alumni Game: Executive Producer, Talent Coordinator and MC for the benefit show
2004 American Movie Classics (AMC): Fantasy Series for the movie “Ice Castles” Played the role of a skating judge in the movie.
2003 “Evening of Champions” at Harvard University: Choreographer of Opening and Closing Numbers with Paul Wylie
2002 “Evening Of Champions” at Harvard University: Assistant choreographer to director Tommy McGinnis.
2001 Production Assistant for the U.S. National Championships: “U.S. Nationals” opening ceremonies. Assistant to backstage producer, Le- Ann Roughley and assistant choreographer for opening ceremonies with Tommy McGinnis.
2000 Production Assistant for the U.S. National Sweeper Auditions: USFSA (United States Figure Skating Assoc.) “U.S. National sweeper trial auditions”, coordinated ice auditions.
1997- 2000 American Open Professional Championships: Turtle Island Productions
“American Open Professional Figure Skating Championships”, 1997 Pairs Champion, 1998 Ladies competitor​, 2000 Ladies Pewter 4th place medalist.
1995 Gershwin On Ice: Barry Mendelson Productions “Gershwin on Ice” figure skating show starring Olympic Champions, Peggy Fleming, and Linda Fratianne. Directed by Robert Waggenhoffer
1994 Production Assistant: "Skates of Gold" Olympic show of Champions: Jo-Jo Starbuck Inc. P.A. to Jo-Jo Starbuck
1993 Merit For Choreography: Canadian Figure Skating Association Canadian Gold Artistic Singles Award of Merit for Choreography
1989-1991 U. S. Open Professional Championships: U.S. Professional Challenge Cup Open 1989 Bronze Medalist and Masters Cup competitor, 1991 Silver Medalist and Masters Cup competitor
1983-1988 “Disney On Ice” Principal Performer: Kenneth Feld Productions “Disney on Ice” U.S, and Asian Tours, Principal pair skater and solo understudy roles.
Coaching Experience
Coaching for 30 years as a choreographer. Member of professional staff at Colonial Figure Skating Club, Acton, MA;, Professional choreographer on staff at Elite Edge FSC, Professional Choreographer on staff at North Star FSC. Member of the PSA (Professional Skaters Assoc.), PSA Rated ®, Member of USFS (United States Figure Skating) Member of the Proskaters (organization for professional show skaters). Recruit amateur skaters for positions in Production Shows such as “Disney On Ice”, Willie Bietak, and Advanced Entertainment. Musical Director and Choreographer for various professional ice shows and benefit shows. Choreographer for Regional, Sectional, National, International U.S. competitors. Choreographer for Professional performers.
Amateur Experience/ Training
USFSA (USA) Gold Medalist in Figures and Freestyle USFSA, (USA) Novice Pair Test, CFSA (Canadian) Gold Medalist in Figures and Freestyle,Competed regionally for 18 years across the USA. Recipient of the “Canadian Artistic Gold Award” for choreography. This award is given by the Canadian FS Association for artistic and choreographic achievements.
Coaching Philosophy
As a choreographer, I truly enjoy teaching skaters about the art of performance and learning how to express themselves on ice as well as in their routines. Finding their own personal creative style is key to their own success as a skating performer. My goal is to guide each skater to grow and develop their creative side and most importantly learn the true artistic side of figure skating.
Amateur Training
Trained at the Colonial FSC with Debi Leeming. Trained at the Boston FSC with Tom McGinnis, Paul Mc Grath, Frank Mukeon. Trained in Monsey, NY with Peter Burrows coach of Elaine Zayak (World Jr. Champion), Skip “Skippy” Butler, Bobby Shire, and Mary-Lynne Gelderman. Dance Training: Trained in Ballet and Jazz for over 20 years with Mary Wanamaker.
Okinawan Karate: “Uechi- Ryu” (Nidon/ Black Belt 2nd degree) Studies under Clark Jones/John Evans